Surfin' the Net -

by Bill G., client

The feature article of this issue was submitted by Bill G. Bill is an energetic computer enthusiast and head injury survivor who works several hours daily on his computer exploring the technology and increasing his technical skills. We thank Bill for his informative contribution and that Bill will submit a regular "Surfin' the Net" column. Stay tuned!

I must admit that when I was first given this assignment, I got very excited. I mean it was nice to have that feeling of usefulness once again. And that people might be reading and using what they read got me turned on. This is my third attempt at writing this article. First I wrote a very technical article in nature, I mean with computers being my background and me having a head trauma, I was out to show you all, especially my folks, that I had not forgotten anything.

Well what they said they were looking for was for me to tell how the computer has fit into my life and maybe how it was helping.

You see, folks like me, get so turned on by the technology that we forget in our explanations to tell some of the benefits we are getting from this worldly communication. I say "worldly" and you may question but with a phone line, a computer, and a modem, you are set! I have a background in computers and I fell hooked to the world again!

I send e-mail to the folks at my old job and I finally fell as though I'm making a contribution as part of a team and earning my way. I use the Internet to log on to say a quick hello to my parents and friends in California and to find out what is happening in the computer industry and how I might fit in. I also use my computer's word processor to express my thoughts and feelings and as a memory tool.

Revised: Saturday, March 30, 2002 06:03 AM